About Us

About Us

Equitable investment without displacement. We believe that low-income communities of color deserve access to parks, open space, and affordable housing in economically thriving, safe, and healthy neighborhoods. Such investments should meaningfully involve communities of color from design to stewardship/ownership; and improve the well-being of communities and should not displace existing community members.


Social justice and racial equity. We recognize that low-income communities, communities of color, and other marginalized communities disproportionately experienced negative impacts from a history of public disinvestment, lack of private development, and racist/classist land use decisions and policies that have resulted in underserved, economically-depressed neighborhoods. We believe that advancing equitable investment without displacement must include reallocating and prioritizing new resources for these communities and ensuring investments support the needs of our marginalized communities.


Multi-sector collaboration. We commit to bridging silos and bringing together diverse organizations to engage in interdisciplinary work that enables us to leverage resources, advance shared priorities, and enhance our capabilities to create lasting change.


Inclusivity and accountability. We believe that internal power dynamics must be addressed with transparency, honesty, and a willingness to hold ourselves accountable; and center the perspectives of people of color and other marginalized identities in the Collaborative’s decision-making process.


Community engagement. We commit to making space for low-income communities, communities of color, and other marginalized communities to engage in the development of the Collaborative’s work and decision-making process to determine LA ROSAH’s priorities.


Research and sharing. We believe that we must learn from and leverage existing research and data, as well as conduct our own research to inform our actions and recommendations. We commit to sharing our findings amongst partners, allies, and the public to grow the field.


Focus on outcomes. We believe that the time and resources of our members and the Collaborative should be invested strategically to effectively shape and implement LA ROSAH’s strategic plan and to advance our mission.