

This glossary provides greater clarity for specific terms used in the collaborative’s discussions and materials.


Through its work, LA ROSAH strives to further equity in the LA region through practice and strategic thinking. For LA ROSAH, achieving equity means that all people have healthy, affordable housing; accessible, high-quality open spaces in their neighborhoods; and the ability to “participate in and benefit from the decisions that shape the places where they live.”[1] We recognize that communities of color and other marginalized communities have endured historic patterns of disinvestment, systemic racism, and oppression that have prevented the realization of an equitable Los Angeles. Remedying the impacts of these structural inequities and furthering equity requires supporting the needs of historically marginalized communities, uplifting the voices and leadership of communities of color, and prioritizing resources for and investments in their neighborhoods.

Urban Greening

Urban greening refers to the creation and maintenance of public green space and green infrastructure that provide positive health, environmental, and economic benefits to urban communities. Typical urban greening projects include planting native street trees and plants, creating or expanding neighborhood parks, or building green infrastructure, such as green streets and alleyways. LA ROSAH is focused on addressing the impact of large-scale urban greening projects that could contribute to factors that lead to residential displacement in vulnerable communities.

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure is a specific urban greening concept that broadly refers to the use of both natural and engineered ecological systems to provide multiple benefits for communities, such as improving water and air quality, reducing flooding, and minimizing urban heat island effect. Examples of green infrastructure include rain gardens, bioswales, permeable pavements, and green roofs.

Communities of Color

LA ROSAH uses the term communities of color to encompass the following communities: African, African American, Latinx, Middle-Eastern, Asian, Native American, and Pacific Islander.

Marginalized Communities

Marginalized communities are those that have been historically oppressed and continue to deal with oppressive and discriminatory forces because of factors such as race, gender, age, and/or status. Examples include undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ youth, non-English speakers.

Low-Income Communities and Low-Income Neighborhoods

Low-income neighborhoods have a median income of 80% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Priority Communities

LA ROSAH’s priority communities are low-income communities of color with low access to parks. In Los Angeles, 56% of African-Americans, 50% of Latinos, and 36% of Asians reside in cities/communities with low rates of park access per capita, in comparison to 27% of Whites, according to a 2016 study by the LA County Department of Public Health.